Three times Elijah pours out his heart to God, crying, “I’ve done so much good, miracles even, but it was all for nothing! Now the good guys are all dead and I’m completely alone. And with the queen’s solemn vow to kill me, I’m a dead man walking.”
Elijah was so deep in depression and despair that even the most arresting shows of God’s power-a rock-splitting tornado, a shocking earthquake, a flaming inferno-aroused from him only a shrug, a “meh.” What he needed was comfort, which came in a “still, small voice” (KJV), barely a whisper; perhaps the sound of silence.
What did God say to Elijah in that whisper? We don’t know. Whatever it was, it was enough to move Elijah to pick up his cloak, walk to the light at the cave’s entrance, and listen when God gave him his marching orders.
I believe that the whisper that lifted Elijah’s spirit was three little words, those life-giving, restorative words, “I love you.” I believe that Elijah heard this nearly inaudible word deep in his soul, heard it loud and clear.
Dear God, thank you for Christ who proved your love for me. Let your love seep into my bones, heal my hurt, and lift my spirit. Amen. — JH