Monday February 6th, 2017 2 Kings 18:1-8
He trusted in the LORD the God of Israel. (verse 5)
Part of my job is to provide pastoral care to people in hospital. Having a surgery or going through several tests to find a diagnosis can be a good lesson in trust. There are a lot of factors that are out of our control. We need to trust the doctor, the nurses, the technicians and God that everything will be okay. Yet, when I come to be with people in their time of need, they often struggle with anxiety.
Now why people get so anxious didn’t make sense to me until both my daughter and spouse had surgery in the same year. I was worried sick about them. I struggled to trust the doctors, nurses and even God. Listening to the risks, signing control over to the doctor and releasing the hospital of any responsibility sounded crazy to me.
How often do we worry? How often do we find ourselves struggling to trust in others, ourselves and even God?
Hezekiah trusts God’s promises when he reigns over Judah. God takes care of Hezekiah and Judah. When we put our trust in God, God promises to take care of us. Sometimes God’s care might be different then we expect, but God will always be there helping us deal with the anxieties that come when we face the challenges of life.
Caring God, help us trust in your promises. Amen. — WHB
Contributed by Trust!!
Part of my job is to provide pastoral care to people in hospital. Having a surgery or going through several tests to find a diagnosis can be a good lesson in trust. There are a lot of factors that are out of our control. We need to trust the doctor, the nurses, the technicians and God that everything will be okay. Yet, when I come to be with people in their time of need, they often struggle with anxiety.
Now why people get so anxious didn't make sense to me until both my daughter and spouse had surgery in the same year. I was worried sick about them. I struggled to trust the doctors, nurses and even God. Listening to the risks, signing control over to the doctor and releasing the hospital of any responsibility sounded crazy to me.
How often do we worry? How often do we find ourselves struggling to trust in others, ourselves and even God?
Hezekiah trusts God's promises when he reigns over Judah. God takes care of Hezekiah and Judah. When we put our trust in God, God promises to take care of us. Sometimes God's care might be different then we expect, but God will always be there helping us deal with the anxieties that come when we face the challenges of life.