What an amazing story of a transformed life is that of Paul. Most of us know his story, but if you want to read it again please look up Acts 9 as a refresher.
Saul was the persecutor. He hated and persecuted the followers and church of God. Anything he could do to destroy that church was fair game, no matter the severity or scope of hurt it inflicted on the Christians. Then, into Saul’s life came the intervention of God’s transforming power. The one who had been totally zealous for the ways of Judaism became one of the most hard-core advocates and mission developers the Christian church had ever seen. Now renamed Paul, after his conversion, the church flourished, and many praised God because of Paul. What a wonderful gift Paul became to the advancement of Christianity.
Most of us have never had a major transformation as did Paul, but we are all one in mission for the advancement of God’s kingdom. We may never know who will come to praise God because of a word or deed of kindness we show others, but thanks be to God who begins these good works in us.
Transforming God, thank you for the gift of Paul's ministry. Fill us with the zeal and conviction he felt so that others may know you through us. Amen. — EPS