Monday January 16th, 2017 1 Corinthians 10:1-6
Now these things occurred as examples for us, so that we might not desire evil as they did. (verse 6)
Scripture reminds us of the journey of our spiritual ancestors, the Israelites. God provided everything for them, food, drink and hope, yet verse 5 tells us their bodies ended up scattered across the desert. The Israelites didn’t enter the Promised Land until an entire generation had passed away. They had everything they needed but still grumbled against Moses and Aaron. They worshipped a golden calf. They turned their backs on God. But God didn’t turn away from them.
Are you ever disheartened in your faith, lacking direction or leadership you can trust? Do you ever question your journey? Do you have times when you take your eyes off of the purpose or doubt you knew it at all?
Today’s lesson reminds us we are not alone. The journey of faith isn’t always an easy one, and we don’t always see what’s on the other side. We have doubts, we have days of questioning, and we have days when the cloud we see is not that of protection, but the dark clouds of a storm.
It is then we need to learn from the examples in scripture and press on. God is with us.
Lord God, we are all tempted to doubt. Strengthen our resolve. Quench our restlessness. Remind us of your guiding hand. Amen. — KNM
Contributed by Doubt
Scripture reminds us of the journey of our spiritual ancestors, the Israelites. God provided everything for them, food, drink and hope, yet verse 5 tells us their bodies ended up scattered across the desert. The Israelites didn't enter the Promised Land until an entire generation had passed away. They had everything they needed but still grumbled against Moses and Aaron. They worshipped a golden calf. They turned their backs on God. But God didn't turn away from them.
Are you ever disheartened in your faith, lacking direction or leadership you can trust? Do you ever question your journey? Do you have times when you take your eyes off of the purpose or doubt you knew it at all?
Today's lesson reminds us we are not alone. The journey of faith isn't always an easy one, and we don't always see what's on the other side. We have doubts, we have days of questioning, and we have days when the cloud we see is not that of protection, but the dark clouds of a storm.
It is then we need to learn from the examples in scripture and press on. God is with us.