
Faith is a jewel that reveals its beauty to anyone who seeks its life-giving miracle. In this scene, the jewel has been revealed by Peter, an uneducated fisherman. Prophecy emerged from courageous, ordinary men, the least likely to take a position of authority in religious teaching. The Jews were accustomed to a rabbinical class who interpreted scripture and taught Jewish law. This scene revealed a new thinking, based on the cornerstone of prophecy. The Cornerstone, Jesus, was and is still, the great leveller of any religious elite.

Bearing witness to our times is an act of faith; to actualize and articulate truth in one’s life. People who believe in Jesus as a cornerstone articulate a language of empowered witness. Unschooled, ordinary folk have seen Jesus. We know what he is about, because we have seen him, because we have heard his voice, because we have leaned against the Cornerstone.

Lord, help us to hear your voice in the simple ways we see the world each day, and to bear witness to all that we see and hear that is the small miracle of creation. Amen. — VH

Contributed by Cornerstone

Faith is a jewel that reveals its beauty to anyone who seeks its life-giving miracle. In this scene, the jewel has been revealed by Peter, an uneducated fisherman. Prophecy emerged from courageous, ordinary men, the least likely to take a position of authority in religious teaching. The Jews were accustomed to a rabbinical class who interpreted scripture and taught Jewish law. This scene revealed a new thinking, based on the cornerstone of prophecy. The Cornerstone, Jesus, was and is still, the great leveller of any religious elite. Bearing witness to our times is an act of faith; to actualize and articulate truth in one's life. People who believe in Jesus as a cornerstone articulate a language of empowered witness. Unschooled, ordinary folk have seen Jesus. We know what he is about, because we have seen him, because we have heard his voice, because we have leaned against the Cornerstone.
Eternity for Today