Thursday December 1st, 2016 Isaiah 11:1-10
?and a little child shall lead them. (verse 6)
Walking with a toddler is an adventure! Visiting granddaughter Mila in Ottawa last spring, I discovered wonderful puddles, amazing telephone poles, fascinating litter and delightful dandelions. It was eye-opening to see the world from her perspective.
The prophet Isaiah did not live in easy times. Global power shifts were taking place and the destruction of Israel seemed inevitable. Yet Isaiah’s vision went far beyond the reality around him. Infused with a sense of God’s compassion and mercy, Isaiah spoke of what the nation and the created order would be like when God’s spirit led those in power. Justice would be done. Counsel would be wise. The meek of the earth would find an advocate. Even natural enemies would manifest God’s peace. And leading the parade of wolves and lambs, leopards and kids, lions and calves would be a young child. What an adventure of peace with justice God’s reign will be!
When we see the world from the perspective of a child, we realize anew the importance of full tummies, clean water, adequate shelter, just laws and peaceful communities. Perhaps as we consider what we want to give this season, we might do so through the eyes of the world’s children. They can point us towards God’s peaceable kingdom.
Prince of Peace, guide us in your ways of justice. Amen. — CST
Contributed by Through Children’s Eyes
Walking with a toddler is an adventure! Visiting granddaughter Mila in Ottawa last spring, I discovered wonderful puddles, amazing telephone poles, fascinating litter and delightful dandelions. It was eye-opening to see the world from her perspective.
The prophet Isaiah did not live in easy times. Global power shifts were taking place and the destruction of Israel seemed inevitable. Yet Isaiah's vision went far beyond the reality around him. Infused with a sense of God's compassion and mercy, Isaiah spoke of what the nation and the created order would be like when God's spirit led those in power. Justice would be done. Counsel would be wise. The meek of the earth would find an advocate. Even natural enemies would manifest God's peace. And leading the parade of wolves and lambs, leopards and kids, lions and calves would be a young child. What an adventure of peace with justice God's reign will be!
When we see the world from the perspective of a child, we realize anew the importance of full tummies, clean water, adequate shelter, just laws and peaceful communities. Perhaps as we consider what we want to give this season, we might do so through the eyes of the world's children. They can point us towards God's peaceable kingdom.