Saturday November 19th, 2016 Colossians 1:11-20
May you be made strong with all the strength that comes from his glorious power, and may you be prepared to endure everything with patience, while joyfully giving thanks to the Father? (verses 11-12)
It’s amazing how a new grandchild can change your perspective. This passage took on new meaning the day I read it while holding our two-month-old granddaughter in my arms. As she slept away, secure in my embrace, I began to wonder what her future might hold and I began to pray.
Like Paul praying for his baby church, I prayed that my little girl would be strong and resilient, patient and loving. And I prayed that she would love our Lord with a thankful heart, that his glorious power would be the source of her strength.
Of course, I hoped that she would be beautiful and talented, that she would enjoy good health and a long life, but the most important things in life are faith and love.
She’s only two months old, all dimples and smiles. Who knows how her life will unfold? But if her life is centred in Jesus, all will be well, no matter where her life journey takes her.
Dear God, draw us close to you and shower us with your grace. Then no matter what is happening in our lives, we can live each day with joy and love, centred in you. In Jesus' name, Amen. — AK
Contributed by A Prayer for the Future
It's amazing how a new grandchild can change your perspective. This passage took on new meaning the day I read it while holding our two-month-old granddaughter in my arms. As she slept away, secure in my embrace, I began to wonder what her future might hold and I began to pray.
Like Paul praying for his baby church, I prayed that my little girl would be strong and resilient, patient and loving. And I prayed that she would love our Lord with a thankful heart, that his glorious power would be the source of her strength.
Of course, I hoped that she would be beautiful and talented, that she would enjoy good health and a long life, but the most important things in life are faith and love.
She's only two months old, all dimples and smiles. Who knows how her life will unfold? But if her life is centred in Jesus, all will be well, no matter where her life journey takes her.