Before starting seminary I was, among other things, a youth leader. We often listened to praise songs together. All of us, especially at youth gatherings, got right into the music. In my first year at seminary we had a spirituality class assignment where we had to present our spirituality, to share what it is that feeds us spiritually. I chose praise music; it lifts me, inspires me and gets me moving. Actually, if I remember correctly the CD I compiled for the presentation got the whole class moving and praising our God.
Twelve years later, I still listen to that CD because it still has the ability to inspire me. Praising God in song is something we can all do whenever the mood strikes or if we need a pick-me-up. All we need to do is pull out a hymnal or CD and sing for awhile, and we will be revived. Singing praise to God is like drawing “water from the wells of salvation” (verse 3), it refreshes our souls. And if we feel like moving while we sing, let’s go for it. It’s fun, and praising God should be fun.
Holy Spirit, thank you for the gifts of song and dance. Fill us with your joy, your peace and your love as we praise the living God with music. Amen. — RK