Saturday October 29th, 2016 Romans 3:19-28
?it was to prove at the present time that he himself is righteous and that he justifies the one who has faith in Jesus. (verse 26)
As I sit here, in March, pondering Paul’s words, we await the resurrection of Christ. During Easter, we enjoy the beautiful white paraments, the lilies and spring flowers that adorn our sanctuary. In our church, we are blessed by a very active altar guild. Faithful women who surprise our worshippers on Easter morning with shining communion vessels, glorious flowers and perfect paraments to glorify the resurrection of Christ. This is their unselfish gift to portray their faith in God’s grace. These are only a few of the many faithful people in our congregation who proclaim their faith with gifts and talents.
This verse, written long ago, remains true in our present circumstances. We remember the unselfish gift of God who gave the only Son to be sacrificed on the cross so that we may know God’s unconditional love for us by the gift of grace. If we have faith in Christ, our sins are forgiven. We cannot return that gift. No matter how great and worthy our works may be, we cannot be justified through them. Only by our complete faith in Christ are we saved by grace.
Holy and merciful God, help us to live each day in remembrance of your bountiful gift of grace. Alleluia. Amen. — BLSO
Contributed by Be Faithful Always
As I sit here, in March, pondering Paul's words, we await the resurrection of Christ. During Easter, we enjoy the beautiful white paraments, the lilies and spring flowers that adorn our sanctuary. In our church, we are blessed by a very active altar guild. Faithful women who surprise our worshippers on Easter morning with shining communion vessels, glorious flowers and perfect paraments to glorify the resurrection of Christ. This is their unselfish gift to portray their faith in God's grace. These are only a few of the many faithful people in our congregation who proclaim their faith with gifts and talents.
This verse, written long ago, remains true in our present circumstances. We remember the unselfish gift of God who gave the only Son to be sacrificed on the cross so that we may know God's unconditional love for us by the gift of grace. If we have faith in Christ, our sins are forgiven. We cannot return that gift. No matter how great and worthy our works may be, we cannot be justified through them. Only by our complete faith in Christ are we saved by grace.