The psalmist boldly has God say to the reader of this psalm, “Be still and know.” We know that Jesus often withdrew in solitude to pray. Jesus told his disciples that when they prayed, they should “go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you.” (Matthew 6:6)
I am aware in our modern world of iPads, iPods, cell phones, tablets, canned music, Bluetooth, smart phones, texting, etc., that many of us may not experience stillness at all through our busy days and evenings. Noise tends to crowd God out of my day. This reality concerns me greatly. When I try to meditate, it is difficult for me to “shut my brainwaves down” or even slow them down. But to really “know” God in my life, I know I must do just that-be still in motion and thought, and let God filter into my soul so that God’s presence can calm, refresh and nurture my soul daily. So I work at being still for a time every day and evening. How about you?
Lord, thank you for the wisdom of your teaching that if we follow your word and be still, we will come to know that you are God. Amen. — JB