Wednesday October 12th, 2016 Luke 5:12-16
But he would withdraw to deserted places and pray. (verse 16)
I wonder what Jesus prayed about. Did he pray for all those people who flocked out to hear him and be healed by him? Did he pray that through his words and his healing touch they would come to see him as the Messiah? Did he pray that those who did come to believe in him would have the strength to withstand all the hardships they must endure in Jesus’ name? Did he pray that some of those would become leaders in the faith, sharing the good news widely and freely, teaching and healing as Jesus himself did?
Did he pray for himself, that he would stay the course that was set before him, knowing that betrayal, denial and death loomed large before him? Did he pray that he wouldn’t lose patience with those who steadfastly refused to open their hearts to him and others?
We’ll never know, of course. We can speculate all we want. When Jesus went into his prayer closet, he shut the door; he didn’t make a spectacle of his piety. But what is important is that Jesus prayed. Regularly. Apparently marathon sessions (all night long). He needed to commune with God.
That should be example enough for us. Jesus prayed. So should we.
Lord Jesus, make us people of prayer. Amen. — DAB
Contributed by Jesus Prayed
I wonder what Jesus prayed about. Did he pray for all those people who flocked out to hear him and be healed by him? Did he pray that through his words and his healing touch they would come to see him as the Messiah? Did he pray that those who did come to believe in him would have the strength to withstand all the hardships they must endure in Jesus' name? Did he pray that some of those would become leaders in the faith, sharing the good news widely and freely, teaching and healing as Jesus himself did?
Did he pray for himself, that he would stay the course that was set before him, knowing that betrayal, denial and death loomed large before him? Did he pray that he wouldn't lose patience with those who steadfastly refused to open their hearts to him and others?
We'll never know, of course. We can speculate all we want. When Jesus went into his prayer closet, he shut the door; he didn't make a spectacle of his piety. But what is important is that Jesus prayed. Regularly. Apparently marathon sessions (all night long). He needed to commune with God.
That should be example enough for us. Jesus prayed. So should we.