Tuesday September 6th, 2016 Help us, O God, to be humble. We are your children by faith in the Lord who created us. Amen.
"Look, we have left our homes and followed you." (verse 28)
Peter is the one who said this, and we know too well that he was one of the disciples who denied Jesus when asked in the palace of the high priest about his discipleship. The statement may well have been a fact, but the danger it raises is this: we think that we have brought some value with us when we became disciples of Jesus Christ.
We really have nothing to be proud of when we are asked about what it means to be a disciple. We can boast only that we have found a place at our teacher’s feet. We can say humbly that we bring nothing to him, while he brings all to us. We are the open mouths and ears that listen as he teaches; we are the newborn of humanity who sit and listen.
In our funeral rite there is a reference from Romans 14:8: “Whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord’s.” This is an exact measurement of our life of discipleship: our lives and all within them were given to us by Christ; our lives and all within them are given to Christ.
Help us, O God, to be humble. We are your children by faith in the Lord who created us. Amen. — VH
Contributed by Following Jesus
Peter is the one who said this, and we know too well that he was one of the disciples who denied Jesus when asked in the palace of the high priest about his discipleship. The statement may well have been a fact, but the danger it raises is this: we think that we have brought some value with us when we became disciples of Jesus Christ.
We really have nothing to be proud of when we are asked about what it means to be a disciple. We can boast only that we have found a place at our teacher's feet. We can say humbly that we bring nothing to him, while he brings all to us. We are the open mouths and ears that listen as he teaches; we are the newborn of humanity who sit and listen.
In our funeral rite there is a reference from Romans 14:8: "Whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord's." This is an exact measurement of our life of discipleship: our lives and all within them were given to us by Christ; our lives and all within them are given to Christ.