Saturday July 23rd, 2016 Colossians 2:6-19
?continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving. (verses 6-7)
My mother has always lived a God-filled life, learning this from her parents and passing on these teachings to me. She continues to tell us that if everyone lived according to the Ten Commandments there would be no problems in the world.
I have learned a great deal from my mother, and I continue to do so, in terms of not judging others and being a good person. She has been my role model and I cherish the lessons that she has taught me. My mother has lived in this earthly world for 97 years and, even when she has left this home to be with Jesus, I know that she will always be with me. I have learned these things by watching her and emulating her behaviour. Likewise, we must always hang on to the teachings of Christ Jesus the Lord; we must be mindful of his actions here on earth and continue to live with this role model. Furthermore, we must be confident that the spirit of the Lord is always with us.
Gracious Lord, continue to be with us as we journey through this life. Help to guide our decision making and to hold fast to your teachings. Amen. — SD
Contributed by A Role Model
My mother has always lived a God-filled life, learning this from her parents and passing on these teachings to me. She continues to tell us that if everyone lived according to the Ten Commandments there would be no problems in the world.
I have learned a great deal from my mother, and I continue to do so, in terms of not judging others and being a good person. She has been my role model and I cherish the lessons that she has taught me. My mother has lived in this earthly world for 97 years and, even when she has left this home to be with Jesus, I know that she will always be with me. I have learned these things by watching her and emulating her behaviour. Likewise, we must always hang on to the teachings of Christ Jesus the Lord; we must be mindful of his actions here on earth and continue to live with this role model. Furthermore, we must be confident that the spirit of the Lord is always with us.