Saturday June 4th, 2016 2 Corinthians 4:1-15
For we do not proclaim ourselves; we proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord and ourselves as your slaves for Jesus' sake. (verse 5)
In a book that we read to our children when they were small, we met Jimmy Look at Me, who relished attention. Over the years I have run into Jimmy many times, as I suspect you have. Jimmy, and this is a unisex name-Jimmy is both male and female-craves attention. Jimmy never passes on an open mike, goes to great lengths to inform others of his accomplishments, offers an opinion on everything. Jimmy is even a member of our churches. Jimmy, you are most annoying!
Paul lived an anti-Jimmy style of life. Paul, who was by no means a wallflower, who appears to have been a classic Type A personality, didn’t proclaim himself; he pointed rather to Jesus. Yes, Paul brought up his past life from time to time, did claim his rights as an apostle, but the core of his message was not Paul, but Jesus.
What an example. We may have reason to boast of many things in our life; our achievements may be laudatory. But. For one thing, Jimmy Look at Me is never pleasant to be around. More importantly, all we have done or ever will do pales in light of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection; only he saves.
Lord Jesus, help us focus on you, not ourselves. Amen. — DAB
Contributed by Jimmy Look at Me?Not
In a book that we read to our children when they were small, we met Jimmy Look at Me, who relished attention. Over the years I have run into Jimmy many times, as I suspect you have. Jimmy, and this is a unisex name-Jimmy is both male and female-craves attention. Jimmy never passes on an open mike, goes to great lengths to inform others of his accomplishments, offers an opinion on everything. Jimmy is even a member of our churches. Jimmy, you are most annoying!
Paul lived an anti-Jimmy style of life. Paul, who was by no means a wallflower, who appears to have been a classic Type A personality, didn't proclaim himself; he pointed rather to Jesus. Yes, Paul brought up his past life from time to time, did claim his rights as an apostle, but the core of his message was not Paul, but Jesus.
What an example. We may have reason to boast of many things in our life; our achievements may be laudatory. But. For one thing, Jimmy Look at Me is never pleasant to be around. More importantly, all we have done or ever will do pales in light of Jesus' life, death and resurrection; only he saves.