Friday June 3rd, 2016 Galatians 1:11-24
But when God, who had set me apart before I was born and called me through his grace? (verse 15)
The apostle Paul understood his call to ministry in Old Testament terms. Like Jeremiah (Jeremiah 1:5) and Isaiah (Isaiah 49:1), Paul believed that even before he was born God had a plan for him, namely, to be the one who would bring the gospel to the Gentiles.
I wonder if any of us think in those terms. How many of us look at where we are today and think, God planned for this even before I was born? How many of us watch our children, struggling to find themselves, carving out careers in an ever-increasing difficult economy, and ask, “Is this what God had in mind for them?” How many of us hold our grandchild in our arms and pray, “Lord, guide this child to the task, to the place where you desire her to be”?
I have witnessed people switch jobs, careers, even countries, trying to find the right fit. I have heard people testify that once they found what it was God wanted and followed that path, only then were they truly happy.
Finding God’s path isn’t easy. Paul, like Jonah before him, took a while to find it. And so might we. But like Paul, Jeremiah, Isaiah and Jonah, it is worth the look.
Guide us, Holy Spirit, onto the path you choose for us. Amen. — DAB
Contributed by God’s Plan
The apostle Paul understood his call to ministry in Old Testament terms. Like Jeremiah (Jeremiah 1:5) and Isaiah (Isaiah 49:1), Paul believed that even before he was born God had a plan for him, namely, to be the one who would bring the gospel to the Gentiles.
I wonder if any of us think in those terms. How many of us look at where we are today and think, God planned for this even before I was born? How many of us watch our children, struggling to find themselves, carving out careers in an ever-increasing difficult economy, and ask, "Is this what God had in mind for them?" How many of us hold our grandchild in our arms and pray, "Lord, guide this child to the task, to the place where you desire her to be"?
I have witnessed people switch jobs, careers, even countries, trying to find the right fit. I have heard people testify that once they found what it was God wanted and followed that path, only then were they truly happy.
Finding God's path isn't easy. Paul, like Jonah before him, took a while to find it. And so might we. But like Paul, Jeremiah, Isaiah and Jonah, it is worth the look.