Tuesday April 5th, 2016 1 Samuel 17:32-51
"?but I come to you in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied." (verse 45)
The story of David and Goliath is one of the Biblical references that has entered secular culture. A smaller business takes on a corporate giant-David and Goliath. An unranked sports team enters the athletic arena against a national championship team-David and Goliath. A handful of protesters halt production at a manufacturing facility-David and Goliath
The ability to see giants depends on your point of view. While all people of faith are called to be giant slayers, some fail to recognize the giants in their midst. The ways in which we experience privilege changes the air we breathe. Privilege makes us too tall, towering above others, almost as tall as a giant. For those who have privilege, it’s easy to breathe because we stand above those who are gasping for breath. Privilege causes us to make friends with giants rather than slay them.
People trust that God is with them because what they are doing is right in God’s eyes and is compatible with the gospel. David had courage. He could have been killed; however, he trusted God, he took action.
Merciful God, help us to recognize and slay the giants that show no compassion, justice and love toward your children. Amen. — LD
Contributed by Looking Up Instead of Down
The story of David and Goliath is one of the Biblical references that has entered secular culture. A smaller business takes on a corporate giant-David and Goliath. An unranked sports team enters the athletic arena against a national championship team-David and Goliath. A handful of protesters halt production at a manufacturing facility-David and Goliath
The ability to see giants depends on your point of view. While all people of faith are called to be giant slayers, some fail to recognize the giants in their midst. The ways in which we experience privilege changes the air we breathe. Privilege makes us too tall, towering above others, almost as tall as a giant. For those who have privilege, it's easy to breathe because we stand above those who are gasping for breath. Privilege causes us to make friends with giants rather than slay them.
People trust that God is with them because what they are doing is right in God's eyes and is compatible with the gospel. David had courage. He could have been killed; however, he trusted God, he took action.