When my husband and I have important things to talk to our kids about we will often meet them together or take them to a special spot (restaurant or a park). We realize that over time this has created sort of an anticipatory tone to these special or extra important conversations, but it also has created a safe space in which to have these needed connection times. It helps all of us to mentally prepare for our time together, away from distractions, away from our normal activity.
This is what we can imagine Jesus did with the disciples. Having the important conversation about what was to come, especially his betrayal, his persecution and death, would require a very safe space. I don’t imagine he sprung this conversation on them haphazardly.
God creates this with us in prayer. That is our time to have important conversations with God. Sometimes making that space more sacred, going to a special place or setting aside special time helps to prepare us mentally and spiritually. Creating that setting can bring even more sacredness to our important conversations with God.
Lord who speaks to us, you help us to create sacred space for our conversations. Help us to set aside the distractions of the world in order to be able to really pay attention to the important conversations we have with you. Amen. — KNM