We enjoy our hot tub. We look at the stars, count the satellites that pass and enjoy the northern lights. My husband enjoys talking about stars, and we often look at the Andromeda galaxy. Right now, from Edmonton, it is in the north sky, approximately 2.5 million light years away. It looks like a puff of smoke below Cassiopeia. Sometime in the next 3.75 billion years, our galaxies will collide and eventually merge to form a giant elliptical or large disk galaxy. We try to imagine the look of that galaxy as it gets closer to earth, how it will look from our hot tub in billions of years.
It is far-fetched thinking that reminds me that only God knows the time or the hour. Only God will be around when all that is passes away. It reminds me too, that my days are limited and that all that is me will pass away. It’s a peaceful feeling for me, knowing that God’s time is so much more than I can possibly imagine.
God, the alpha and omega, thank you for the gift of each day we are given on this earth, for life and all that it entails. Our time here is just a puff compared to eternity; what a privilege to experience it all. Amen. — KNM