Wednesday March 2nd, 2016 Joshua 5:9-12
And so that place is called Gilgal to this day. (verse 9)
Bawlf. What a strange name for a town! And yet, that’s the name of a wonderful little community in central Alberta. Our family knows something about it since we served in ministry there. The town received its name from a gentleman whose last name was Bawlf. He apparently put a few dollars down so his name could identify a place he probably never visited. However, this name brings back many precious memories, for we were enormously blessed by the people there, and we still are. So when we think of Bawlf, we don’t think of it as a place with a strange name, but rather as a special place of grace and great joy.
Gilgal. What a strange name for a town! And yet, that was a little community just outside of Jericho. It’s where Joshua built a memorial with 12 stones from the Jordan River to remind people of future generations about the presence and power of God who brought them out of slavery into freedom. How often we read the names of places in scripture without realizing the significance they held for people at that time. Gilgal, a strange name, but a special place for the people of God.
Is there a place with a strange name that has become a special place for you?
God, thank you for special memories in special places. Amen. — LW
Contributed by A Special Place
Bawlf. What a strange name for a town! And yet, that's the name of a wonderful little community in central Alberta. Our family knows something about it since we served in ministry there. The town received its name from a gentleman whose last name was Bawlf. He apparently put a few dollars down so his name could identify a place he probably never visited. However, this name brings back many precious memories, for we were enormously blessed by the people there, and we still are. So when we think of Bawlf, we don't think of it as a place with a strange name, but rather as a special place of grace and great joy.
Gilgal. What a strange name for a town! And yet, that was a little community just outside of Jericho. It's where Joshua built a memorial with 12 stones from the Jordan River to remind people of future generations about the presence and power of God who brought them out of slavery into freedom. How often we read the names of places in scripture without realizing the significance they held for people at that time. Gilgal, a strange name, but a special place for the people of God.
Is there a place with a strange name that has become a special place for you?