Saturday February 6th, 2016 Mark 8:27-9:8
?those who lose their life for my sake, and for the sake of the gospel, will save it. (verse 35)
Some people have spiritual experiences that just cannot be explained. Nor can they be explained away. They are not meant to be controlled. They are gift. They often seem given for a purpose. We can guess one purpose for those confused and fearful disciples on the mountain, and even for Jesus. The death he was predicting was so totally difficult to face, difficult for himself, but also for his friends and followers. They would need this experience of God’s glory, and the knowledge of Jesus as God’s beloved Son, to work through his death and then his rising to life again.
I have occasionally had times of sensing the presence of God, feeling beloved and at peace. And occasionally such times happen shortly before particularly difficult or challenging events. Such events require being fully present, body, soul and spirit. They are times when responses from deep places, the places that connect with the eternal, are required.
Thanks be to you, O God, for giving us what we need when you call us to serve you. Help us to be open to your gifts and to your call. Amen. — HV
Contributed by Timely Spiritual Experiences
Some people have spiritual experiences that just cannot be explained. Nor can they be explained away. They are not meant to be controlled. They are gift. They often seem given for a purpose. We can guess one purpose for those confused and fearful disciples on the mountain, and even for Jesus. The death he was predicting was so totally difficult to face, difficult for himself, but also for his friends and followers. They would need this experience of God's glory, and the knowledge of Jesus as God's beloved Son, to work through his death and then his rising to life again.
I have occasionally had times of sensing the presence of God, feeling beloved and at peace. And occasionally such times happen shortly before particularly difficult or challenging events. Such events require being fully present, body, soul and spirit. They are times when responses from deep places, the places that connect with the eternal, are required.