This year I moved cross-country to a new call. No one here knows me, except for things my references shared and a few tidbits that have arrived through the denomination’s grapevine. It is a time to be both free to be my authentic self and begin new habits without someone saying, “But you are his granddaughter,” or “But we raised you.” It is a rare situation.
Most people serve God in their home community, with folks who either raised them or whom they are raising. The assumptions we bring into those relationships can hold back our perceiving of God’s creative gifts in one another. How can we seek in those who are “only so and so’s son,” God’s gifts for ministry? How can we seek in the mirror, God’s call to serve and share the gospel, if we frame our sight: “just little old me”?
We must prayerfully accept that we are called to be salt and light in this world, whether we are in foreign or domestic places!
Creator of myself and soul, thank you for who I have been and where I have come from. Help that to inform my journey but never limit how I see myself or those around me. Help me see myself and my neighbours as the apples of your eyes, as blessed ministers in your kingdom. Amen. — LCS