Monday January 25th, 2016 Conversion of Paul Galatians 1:11-24
God?set me apart before I was born and called me through his grace? (verse 15)
My own faith journey is not nearly as dramatic as St. Paul’s. I grew up in a parsonage, listening to my father preach twice every Sunday, regularly showing up for Sunday school (I earned attendance pins that formed a ladder down my chest!), singing choruses and listening to Bible stories at church camp each summer. My understanding of God’s love entered my heart and consciousness almost by osmosis. Though I do remember a time when it all gelled, and I decided that the way of Jesus was how I wanted to live my life, I never experienced any startling divine visitation. No blinding light. No voice from heaven.
But similar to Paul, my travels took me further into an understanding of God’s love for the world. Like Paul’s journey, mine kept me moving towards a faith that did not belong just to my parents or the tradition I grew up in.
The human source of our faith grounds and orients us. But it’s equally important that we, like Paul, listen to what God has revealed in Jesus and keep traveling down the road of faith.
As long ago you called Paul to speak your message of love, O Lord, show me now the path of service for you. Amen. — SRN
Contributed by Faith Journey
My own faith journey is not nearly as dramatic as St. Paul's. I grew up in a parsonage, listening to my father preach twice every Sunday, regularly showing up for Sunday school (I earned attendance pins that formed a ladder down my chest!), singing choruses and listening to Bible stories at church camp each summer. My understanding of God's love entered my heart and consciousness almost by osmosis. Though I do remember a time when it all gelled, and I decided that the way of Jesus was how I wanted to live my life, I never experienced any startling divine visitation. No blinding light. No voice from heaven.
But similar to Paul, my travels took me further into an understanding of God's love for the world. Like Paul's journey, mine kept me moving towards a faith that did not belong just to my parents or the tradition I grew up in.
The human source of our faith grounds and orients us. But it's equally important that we, like Paul, listen to what God has revealed in Jesus and keep traveling down the road of faith.