Stop and Pay Homage

How far would you go out of your way in order to see Jesus the Christ if you had the opportunity? For the wise men from the East, they had journeyed for close to two years, following the star that they had seen in the eastern skies. No wonder that when it had stopped over the place where Jesus was they were overwhelmed with joy. There they knelt and worshipped him, giving him their gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh, gifts befitting a king.

We, too, have the opportunity to worship Jesus, the Messiah. Yet how many of us will stop and pause in our busy lives to pay homage to the Christ Child? Epiphany gives us a special chance to say thank you to Jesus. So on each January 6, we go out and build a bonfire in our snowy backyard, drink hot chocolate and look at the stars with some of our young friends, rejoicing in the gift that Jesus gave to our world by being born in Bethlehem in order to be our King and Saviour.

Loving God, help us to take time in our lives to pay homage to Jesus, born in Bethlehem. Amen. — HF

Contributed by Stop and Pay Homage

How far would you go out of your way in order to see Jesus the Christ if you had the opportunity? For the wise men from the East, they had journeyed for close to two years, following the star that they had seen in the eastern skies. No wonder that when it had stopped over the place where Jesus was they were overwhelmed with joy. There they knelt and worshipped him, giving him their gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh, gifts befitting a king. We, too, have the opportunity to worship Jesus, the Messiah. Yet how many of us will stop and pause in our busy lives to pay homage to the Christ Child? Epiphany gives us a special chance to say thank you to Jesus. So on each January 6, we go out and build a bonfire in our snowy backyard, drink hot chocolate and look at the stars with some of our young friends, rejoicing in the gift that Jesus gave to our world by being born in Bethlehem in order to be our King and Saviour.
Eternity for Today