Saturday January 2nd, 2016 Mark 1:21-45
"hey were astounded at his teaching, for he taught them as one having authority?" (verse 22)
Jesus taught the people as one with authority. His being commanded respect, and he was not afraid to take charge, especially when confronting evil in its varied forms. He ordered the unclean spirits to depart from those who were oppressed, and ordered the demons to be silent.
Yet Jesus’ authority did not mean that he lacked compassion. He could be gentle and kind as he was with Simon’s mother-in-law, when he took her by the hand and lifted her up, thereby restoring her to health. Jesus is willing to teach us with authority, hopeful that we will listen and obey. And he is willing to teach and to heal us even when we do not follow through with his requests.
May we be like Simon’s mother-in-law, open to Jesus’ leading and ready to serve. May we allow Jesus to have authority in our hearts and lives.
Lord Jesus, as you taught the people with authority and healed their diseases, so open our hearts and guide us by your love in our daily lives. Amen. — HF
Contributed by Jesus – One with Authority
Jesus taught the people as one with authority. His being commanded respect, and he was not afraid to take charge, especially when confronting evil in its varied forms. He ordered the unclean spirits to depart from those who were oppressed, and ordered the demons to be silent.
Yet Jesus' authority did not mean that he lacked compassion. He could be gentle and kind as he was with Simon's mother-in-law, when he took her by the hand and lifted her up, thereby restoring her to health. Jesus is willing to teach us with authority, hopeful that we will listen and obey. And he is willing to teach and to heal us even when we do not follow through with his requests.
May we be like Simon's mother-in-law, open to Jesus' leading and ready to serve. May we allow Jesus to have authority in our hearts and lives.