Saturday November 28th, 2015 Job 1:6-22;2:11-13
They sat with him on the ground seven days and seven nights, and no one spoke a word to him, for they saw that his suffering was very great. (verse 2:13)
We always want to “do” something. However, sometimes there is nothing you can do. Nothing you can do, that is, except love. The Beatles said it, “All you need is love, love. Love is all you need.”
Consider poor Job. He had it all and God loved him and he loved God. Life was good. He was a blameless and upright man. Then he lost it all. His property and his children were taken from him in cruel and heartbreaking disasters.
Job was very sad, but his faith and his love of God did not waiver. He did not blame God, nor did he give up on God.
Neither did Job’s friends give up on him. When they heard about Job’s troubles they came and sat with him. They hardly recognised him. Such terrible losses change a person. But they sat with him and wept with him. They consoled him and comforted him.
Sometimes that is all you can do. Sometimes love is enough.
Compassionate God, help us to be a comfort to those who are hurting. Help us to love those changed by difficult circumstances. Help us to sit with and listen to the pain of others and comfort them. Amen. — MAC
Contributed by Friend Therapy
We always want to "do" something. However, sometimes there is nothing you can do. Nothing you can do, that is, except love. The Beatles said it, "All you need is love, love. Love is all you need."
Consider poor Job. He had it all and God loved him and he loved God. Life was good. He was a blameless and upright man. Then he lost it all. His property and his children were taken from him in cruel and heartbreaking disasters.
Job was very sad, but his faith and his love of God did not waiver. He did not blame God, nor did he give up on God.
Neither did Job's friends give up on him. When they heard about Job's troubles they came and sat with him. They hardly recognised him. Such terrible losses change a person. But they sat with him and wept with him. They consoled him and comforted him.
Sometimes that is all you can do. Sometimes love is enough.