Sunday November 22nd, 2015 Christ the King Sunday John 18:33-37
Jesus answered, "You say that I am a king. For this I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice." (verse 37)
When I think of Jesus, king is not the first image that pops in my head. When I think of Jesus, I picture him as my best friend. That best friend who knows all my deepest, darkest secrets and who still likes me anyway. The kind of best friend that even if it’s been awhile since we last spoke, we pick up where we left off and nothing has changed. The kind of best friend who would do anything for me, even give his life for me.
Jesus is that friend to whom I am most connected. The one who shares my thoughts, completes my sentences. Jesus is the one I trust most in the whole world, the one who will not judge me for my human frailty, fallibility and greed. Jesus is the friend who will love me forever, no matter what. The friend I go to when I need guidance or help when I’m in trouble. Jesus is always there for me and I can trust him.
God of love, we thank you for giving us Jesus as the speaker of truth and as a friend to love and guide us. Amen. — GB
Contributed by Who is Jesus?
When I think of Jesus, king is not the first image that pops in my head. When I think of Jesus, I picture him as my best friend. That best friend who knows all my deepest, darkest secrets and who still likes me anyway. The kind of best friend that even if it's been awhile since we last spoke, we pick up where we left off and nothing has changed. The kind of best friend who would do anything for me, even give his life for me.
Jesus is that friend to whom I am most connected. The one who shares my thoughts, completes my sentences. Jesus is the one I trust most in the whole world, the one who will not judge me for my human frailty, fallibility and greed. Jesus is the friend who will love me forever, no matter what. The friend I go to when I need guidance or help when I'm in trouble. Jesus is always there for me and I can trust him.