Wednesday November 18th, 2015 2 Samuel 23:1-7
The spirit of the LORD speaks through me, his word is upon my tongue. (verse 2)
We are responsible for the words that come out of our mouths, and we are not always pleased with what we hear. But when we listen to God’s voice and speak the words God gives us, we know we speak truth. Whether we have spoken words of admonition or comfort or praise, whether we even understand what we have said, we know that we have been faithful to God and that our words are meant to bless the other person(s) and to build God’s kingdom here on earth.
The challenge is that sometimes Satan speaks to us and sometimes our own egos speak to us, and it can be hard to distinguish between their voices and God’s. For me, silencing my mind, “going inside myself” to where God dwells within me, and then just opening my mouth and letting the words out is a good way to faithfully speak God’s word. Let’s keep praying and practicing. May God’s will be done through each of us.
Patient God, thank you for speaking to us and through us. Keep us faithful to your word. May our listeners be blessed by your words to them. Amen. — SB
Contributed by Speaking God’s Word
We are responsible for the words that come out of our mouths, and we are not always pleased with what we hear. But when we listen to God's voice and speak the words God gives us, we know we speak truth. Whether we have spoken words of admonition or comfort or praise, whether we even understand what we have said, we know that we have been faithful to God and that our words are meant to bless the other person(s) and to build God's kingdom here on earth.
The challenge is that sometimes Satan speaks to us and sometimes our own egos speak to us, and it can be hard to distinguish between their voices and God's. For me, silencing my mind, "going inside myself" to where God dwells within me, and then just opening my mouth and letting the words out is a good way to faithfully speak God's word. Let's keep praying and practicing. May God's will be done through each of us.