An acquaintance of mine spent a year working in Peru, in a region where Canadian mining companies have a significant presence. She came home with a message from her friends in Peru: “How much is enough?” How much is enough gold? How much is enough of our land? How much is enough of our water?
These are heart-wrenching questions. My heart cries, “How hard it is to enter the kingdom of God!” where the first are last and the last are first, where there is righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. (Romans 14:17) In our age of consumption it seems impossible to manifest God’s kingdom because it demands we say, “ENOUGH! We have enough.” We have enough for ourselves; we have enough to share.
I hear these words of Jesus, “Children, how hard it is?,” as a compassionate admission: I know you struggle. But, my children, if you do this hard work, if you work towards my kingdom, then, and only then, there will be enough for all in this hopeless age. Do as I say, have faith, “for God all things are possible.”
God of mercy, help us to recognize when we have enough to share and help us to faithfully live our lives remembering that for you all things are possible, even when it seems hopeless. Amen. — RL