Wednesday June 17th, 2015 Revelation 21:22-22:5
Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, bright as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb through the middle of the street of the city. (verses 1-2)
Revelation is a hard book to wrap our minds around, because it is filled with apocalyptic imagery, a literary art form that is no longer used. The author is asking us to imagine something different by describing a beautiful vision of the world as it would be ruled by Christ the lamb.
It is a world that is foreign to us as we more easily subscribe to the rulers and powers of this world. The writer dreams of something quite different, something so absurd to us that it can only be described using images.
The power of the Lamb is something we cannot wrap our minds around. Sure it’s easy to say “Jesus rules” but what does that mean? How does the Lamb enact his power? How could something gentle and non-violent rule over oppressive violent power?
What does that vision ask of us?
God of vision, help us to see creation as you desire it to be. Help us to strive for and achieve a world where power is given rather than taken, a world that is as life-giving as water for all of creation. Amen. — SWH
Contributed by Life-Giving Water
Revelation is a hard book to wrap our minds around, because it is filled with apocalyptic imagery, a literary art form that is no longer used. The author is asking us to imagine something different by describing a beautiful vision of the world as it would be ruled by Christ the lamb.
It is a world that is foreign to us as we more easily subscribe to the rulers and powers of this world. The writer dreams of something quite different, something so absurd to us that it can only be described using images.
The power of the Lamb is something we cannot wrap our minds around. Sure it's easy to say "Jesus rules" but what does that mean? How does the Lamb enact his power? How could something gentle and non-violent rule over oppressive violent power?
What does that vision ask of us?