Sunday May 24th, 2015 Day of Pentecost John 15:26-27;16:4b-15
"When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth; for he will not speak on his own, but will speak whatever he hears, and he will declare to you the things that are to come." (verse 13)
I rarely preach on Pentecost Sunday, mainly because in the parishes I have served, Pentecost is usually Confirmation Sunday. I reserve the preaching spot for the confirmands to read their faith statements. In this paper, the confirmand shares what he or she believes about God, faith, life and their place in it. Students are usually terrified of writing the faith statements. Many try to weasel out of it.
But I have never been disappointed by a faith statement. In fact, I have always been delighted by the depth of insight our young people have regarding their faith. They don’t tell me what they think I want to hear, but share honestly about their struggle and their hopes about where God fits into their lives.
What this tells me is that God is still active in the church, that the Spirit is blowing through our people, showing us that our future rests in capable hands, that the generation behind us is up to the task of meeting the challenges of the coming years.
Come, Holy Spirit, and continue to blow within and among us. Amen. — KP
Contributed by Still Blowing
I rarely preach on Pentecost Sunday, mainly because in the parishes I have served, Pentecost is usually Confirmation Sunday. I reserve the preaching spot for the confirmands to read their faith statements. In this paper, the confirmand shares what he or she believes about God, faith, life and their place in it. Students are usually terrified of writing the faith statements. Many try to weasel out of it.
But I have never been disappointed by a faith statement. In fact, I have always been delighted by the depth of insight our young people have regarding their faith. They don't tell me what they think I want to hear, but share honestly about their struggle and their hopes about where God fits into their lives.
What this tells me is that God is still active in the church, that the Spirit is blowing through our people, showing us that our future rests in capable hands, that the generation behind us is up to the task of meeting the challenges of the coming years.