It is Not for Us to Know

The disciples were looking for completion. Yes, they were back from exile. Yes, the Temple had been rebuilt. But the promises made through Moses in Deuteronomy and those of Isaiah had not yet been fulfilled. Is this the time, they wondered.

We always want to know what God is up to. We like to speculate as to who God favours and who God doesn’t. Such speculation has led to such things as “heathens” being burnt at the stake. Much ink and TV time is spent discussing current events with an eye to the end of time. Certainly, what is happening today indicates the end is imminent.

To all this Jesus says, “It is not for you to know.” But he doesn’t leave it at that. It isn’t a “Because I said so,” answer. He continues, “You shall receive power?be my witnesses.” Instead of speculating and judging, witness. Tell the story.

And that should keep us more than busy.

Holy Spirit, open my mouth that I might speak. Amen. — DAB

Contributed by It is Not for Us to Know

The disciples were looking for completion. Yes, they were back from exile. Yes, the Temple had been rebuilt. But the promises made through Moses in Deuteronomy and those of Isaiah had not yet been fulfilled. Is this the time, they wondered. We always want to know what God is up to. We like to speculate as to who God favours and who God doesn't. Such speculation has led to such things as "heathens" being burnt at the stake. Much ink and TV time is spent discussing current events with an eye to the end of time. Certainly, what is happening today indicates the end is imminent. To all this Jesus says, "It is not for you to know." But he doesn't leave it at that. It isn't a "Because I said so," answer. He continues, "You shall receive power?be my witnesses." Instead of speculating and judging, witness. Tell the story. And that should keep us more than busy.
Eternity for Today