Monday May 11th, 2015 Acts 1:15-17,21-26
Then they prayed and said, "Lord, you know everyone's heart. Show us which one of these two you have chosen?" (verse 24)
Little did I know that our teacher had followed the example of the apostles when they chose a replacement for Judas. Two men were proposed, Joseph Barsabbas also called Justus, and Matthias. They may have had near identical qualifications for the position, for the remaining apostles decided to prayerfully cast lots for which of the two would be granted a place among the twelve.
This passage is not an endorsement of gambling. It does however tell us how the early apostles sought divine guidance for a difficult decision, so the witness to Christ might continue in the early church.
Guide me in difficult times, O God, that I might choose those ways most pleasing in your sight. Amen. — JRG
Contributed by Choosing an Apostle
Little did I know that our teacher had followed the example of the apostles when they chose a replacement for Judas. Two men were proposed, Joseph Barsabbas also called Justus, and Matthias. They may have had near identical qualifications for the position, for the remaining apostles decided to prayerfully cast lots for which of the two would be granted a place among the twelve.
This passage is not an endorsement of gambling. It does however tell us how the early apostles sought divine guidance for a difficult decision, so the witness to Christ might continue in the early church.