Saturday May 9th, 2015 1 John 5:1-6
By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God and obey his commandments. (verse 2)
Modern music was just making its way into our churches in the late 60s. A catchy tune from that era goes, “And they’ll know we are Christians by our love.” That song sums up today’s reading. Simply stated, love God and love all of God’s children.
Also in the 60s we began to hear about civil rights and human rights. Some folks who wanted to cling to old hatreds and prejudices were quick to complain, “You can’t legislate love.” But God has done exactly that. God has commanded us to love one another. Jesus distilled all the commandments into just two, to love God with all that we have and to love our neighbour as ourself.
I know individuals and types of people I struggle with. I know the people I avoid, the people I would rather not talk to, the people that set me off. Some are strangers, some are colleagues, some are church members, and some are family members. The challenge today’s reading sets before me is to love everyone, no matter what differences may separate us. It’s a hefty order, I admit, but it’s what God expects of me. And frankly, it’s what I expect of myself.
God of love, help me be a person of love. Amen. — JRG
Contributed by Love the Children of God
Modern music was just making its way into our churches in the late 60s. A catchy tune from that era goes, "And they'll know we are Christians by our love." That song sums up today's reading. Simply stated, love God and love all of God's children.
Also in the 60s we began to hear about civil rights and human rights. Some folks who wanted to cling to old hatreds and prejudices were quick to complain, "You can't legislate love." But God has done exactly that. God has commanded us to love one another. Jesus distilled all the commandments into just two, to love God with all that we have and to love our neighbour as ourself.
I know individuals and types of people I struggle with. I know the people I avoid, the people I would rather not talk to, the people that set me off. Some are strangers, some are colleagues, some are church members, and some are family members. The challenge today's reading sets before me is to love everyone, no matter what differences may separate us. It's a hefty order, I admit, but it's what God expects of me. And frankly, it's what I expect of myself.