
Judah is in shambles. Jerusalem, the place where God is said to dwell, is about to fall. The splendour of the kingdom under David has long vanished. God’s people have moved away from worshipping the God of their ancestors. The judgment of God is clear.

And yet, God promises a homecoming, a return to the land promised them long ago. God will end their suffering (a man having a baby is not only a modern comedic image!) and restore their joy. Their enslavement to their conquerors will end and they once more will serve the Lord. David the king will arise. The mercy of God is clear.

Our lives can be riddled with sin. Many forces, within and outside of us, can seem to control us. We can distance ourselves from God and from God’s love. And yet, in love, revealed in our Redeemer, the Creator continues to call us home. God brings us together to live as God’s people, forgiven, renewed and loved. The Creator saves us, restores us, so that we once more are whole. This is the continuing story of Easter. This is our continued homecoming.

God, Easter continues to proclaim your love, even once the lilies wither and the aromas of special breakfasts fade away. Thank you for continuing to call us home, through your Son. Amen. — MHD

Contributed by Homecoming

Judah is in shambles. Jerusalem, the place where God is said to dwell, is about to fall. The splendour of the kingdom under David has long vanished. God's people have moved away from worshipping the God of their ancestors. The judgment of God is clear. And yet, God promises a homecoming, a return to the land promised them long ago. God will end their suffering (a man having a baby is not only a modern comedic image!) and restore their joy. Their enslavement to their conquerors will end and they once more will serve the Lord. David the king will arise. The mercy of God is clear. Our lives can be riddled with sin. Many forces, within and outside of us, can seem to control us. We can distance ourselves from God and from God's love. And yet, in love, revealed in our Redeemer, the Creator continues to call us home. God brings us together to live as God's people, forgiven, renewed and loved. The Creator saves us, restores us, so that we once more are whole. This is the continuing story of Easter. This is our continued homecoming.
Eternity for Today