The people of Jerusalem are shocked and amazed. The man who was lame, who begged every day at the gate of the temple, now is jumping up and down, praising God and walking with the one who had healed him. Where did Peter get this power? Can he, will he, do it again? They rush to find out more.
Peter addresses their questions by declaring that glory for this miracle belongs to God and not to himself. He then takes this opportunity to tell them about God’s greatest act of healing in the world, accomplished through the Son. This has happened, he says, in spite of human opposition, disbelief. He invites them to come to believe, to repent, to have faith. He calls them to walk in the same way as he and John and this healed man now do. Doing so, they will know the miracle of God’s mercy and will join in giving praise to God.
Easter Sunday has come and gone. Yet, the miracle of it remains ever alive. With whom is God calling you to share the story of Easter today and the invitation to join in the celebration?
Loving God, keep the miracle of Easter always in our hearts and on our lips, so that we might invite others to join with us in praising you. Amen. — MHD