Is It That Simple?

The psalmist asserts that the world is made up of two kinds of people. The “wicked” are sinners, persons who have broken their relationship with God. They are centred on what’s best for them. In contrast, we hear of the “righteous.” These look to God for guidance. They meditate on God’s Word, seeking to travel paths which God prepares.

The wicked believe they know better. Yet, says the psalmist, they have nothing. Their lives are like chaff, soon blown away and forgotten. In contrast stands the assembly of the righteous. They are like ever-blossoming trees, always prospering. They have the promise of God’s favour and guidance. God will never forget them.

It’s easy to detect which person the psalmist favours. Yet, when I look at my life I see a mixture of the “wicked” and the “righteous,” the “sinner” and the “saint.” The miracle of the Easter story is God sees this also, comes down in Christ, calls us by name, forgives us and invites us to walk where the Spirit leads. We stumble on the way, but God keeps helping us up, to live as resurrection people.

O God, by your grace shown in Jesus' resurrection, help us to walk the way you set before us, bringing us back when we go off on our own. Amen. — MHD

Contributed by Is It That Simple?

The psalmist asserts that the world is made up of two kinds of people. The "wicked" are sinners, persons who have broken their relationship with God. They are centred on what's best for them. In contrast, we hear of the "righteous." These look to God for guidance. They meditate on God's Word, seeking to travel paths which God prepares. The wicked believe they know better. Yet, says the psalmist, they have nothing. Their lives are like chaff, soon blown away and forgotten. In contrast stands the assembly of the righteous. They are like ever-blossoming trees, always prospering. They have the promise of God's favour and guidance. God will never forget them. It's easy to detect which person the psalmist favours. Yet, when I look at my life I see a mixture of the "wicked" and the "righteous," the "sinner" and the "saint." The miracle of the Easter story is God sees this also, comes down in Christ, calls us by name, forgives us and invites us to walk where the Spirit leads. We stumble on the way, but God keeps helping us up, to live as resurrection people.
Eternity for Today