Saturday March 21st, 2015 Hebrews 5:5-10
In the days of his flesh, Jesus offered up prayers and supplications, with loud cries and tears, to the one who was able to save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverent submission. (verse 7)
As we approach Holy Week, we know that Jesus will encounter betrayal by friends, conviction by an unjust court, torture and execution by the cruelest of methods.
It benefits us to see Jesus at prayer. Prayer may be a difficult exercise. For Jesus, prayer was sincere.
Jesus not only gave us eternal life, but also through him we have access to talk with God. Because Jesus remained persistent in prayer, we have in him an open channel of communication between us and God. There are no weaknesses or breakages in that communication path; it is always perfect. But this does not mean that prayer has become an easy task for us. We may at times have prayers filled with cries and tears, prayers that struggle against the doubts, fears and powers of those who want to weaken and destroy our faith in Jesus Christ.
In these days of Lent, what prayers will you offer? What supplications will you cry out on behalf of the world and for yourself? What do you need God to hear?
Oh Lord, hear my prayers this day. Amen. — TT
Contributed by Prayer
As we approach Holy Week, we know that Jesus will encounter betrayal by friends, conviction by an unjust court, torture and execution by the cruelest of methods.
It benefits us to see Jesus at prayer. Prayer may be a difficult exercise. For Jesus, prayer was sincere.
Jesus not only gave us eternal life, but also through him we have access to talk with God. Because Jesus remained persistent in prayer, we have in him an open channel of communication between us and God. There are no weaknesses or breakages in that communication path; it is always perfect. But this does not mean that prayer has become an easy task for us. We may at times have prayers filled with cries and tears, prayers that struggle against the doubts, fears and powers of those who want to weaken and destroy our faith in Jesus Christ.
In these days of Lent, what prayers will you offer? What supplications will you cry out on behalf of the world and for yourself? What do you need God to hear?