Those who desire the Lord’s coming must surely know that clean hands and a pure heart are a necessity. But can any of us say that of ourselves today? Are our hearts pure, with no hate or jealousy or envy?
Personally, I have held those feelings in my heart, after all we are all sinners. Moreover, it can be very difficult to let go of these emotions.
So, how do I let go of these feelings? Simply by bringing them up to the Lord and asking for God’s forgiveness. I pray each day that God will cleanse my heart and give me the courage to relinquish these feelings.
It is also important for us to gather as a community and ask for forgiveness. Our liturgy encourages us, “Let us confess our sin in the presence of God and of one another.” It is in and with the strength of fellow believers that our sins are forgiven through the grace of God.
So, who can stand? We all can, for when we ask God for forgiveness, we know that God will clean our hands and our hearts. Hallelujah!
Loving God, we give you thanks for taking our sins away, so we can stand up and serve you with clean hands and hearts. Amen. — RW