Christians Seeking Wisdom

A definition: wisdom-knowledge of what is true or right, coupled with just judgment. (www.

Proverbs 8 centres around wisdom and the knowledge which stems from wisdom. This proverb tells us that we must pray for wisdom and have the willingness to receive wisdom as a gift given freely to us by God.

Are we open and willing to receive wisdom from God? It is truly a gift given to us if we are open to receive it.

It is interesting that both a well-known carol and a familiar hymn sing about wisdom. Next time you sing or hear a soloist perform these hymns, listen carefully for the word wisdom. The Advent carol “O, Come, O Come, Emmanuel,” includes the lyrics “O come, O Wisdom from on high” (Evangelical Lutheran Worship [ELW] 257), equating Wisdom with Jesus. The hymn “O Word of God Incarnate” (ELW 514), written in 1854, includes the line “O Wisdom from on high?,” equating Wisdom with God’s Word.

What gifts indeed that God wishes to pour upon us: Jesus the Christ-the living word, and the Scriptures-the written word. Let us open our hearts to receive the wisdom of God.

Lord, we are grateful for your many gifts, including the gift of wisdom. Amen. — DD

Contributed by Christians Seeking Wisdom

A definition: wisdom-knowledge of what is true or right, coupled with just judgment. (www. Proverbs 8 centres around wisdom and the knowledge which stems from wisdom. This proverb tells us that we must pray for wisdom and have the willingness to receive wisdom as a gift given freely to us by God. Are we open and willing to receive wisdom from God? It is truly a gift given to us if we are open to receive it. It is interesting that both a well-known carol and a familiar hymn sing about wisdom. Next time you sing or hear a soloist perform these hymns, listen carefully for the word wisdom. The Advent carol "O, Come, O Come, Emmanuel," includes the lyrics "O come, O Wisdom from on high" (Evangelical Lutheran Worship [ELW] 257), equating Wisdom with Jesus. The hymn "O Word of God Incarnate" (ELW 514), written in 1854, includes the line "O Wisdom from on high?," equating Wisdom with God's Word. What gifts indeed that God wishes to pour upon us: Jesus the Christ-the living word, and the Scriptures-the written word. Let us open our hearts to receive the wisdom of God.
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