There was no audition to be had. No pop star judges to tell the apostle Paul he had made it. No screaming audience to proclaim him as winner of a contest. Nothing like that.
No, just God’s grace calling him to proclaim the good news to the Gentiles and help them learn about the mystery of God so they could go out and make known the “wisdom of God” (verse 10) to the communities in which they lived.
There is no audition for us either. Just water and Word. Baptism. Promises made by parents and sponsors that are later affirmed in the Rite of Affirmation of Baptism (Confirmation). A call through the Holy Spirit to understand what gifts we have and how we can use them for the good of the gospel.
The New Year’s resolutions have long come and gone but it is never too late to reflect on what gifts you have. Reflect on how you can use these gifts in the year to come. Own them. Feel grateful that you have these gifts. Use them with confidence. Share them with others. Be part of the community of faith, the church.
Lord God, give me the opportunity to see the gifts in myself and use them for the good of your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. — JKU