In the late 1960s, an American radio network broadcast a special Halloween radio drama about a hostile alien invasion. The panic it incited among people who thought the fictional events were actually happening is legendary. It’s discussed in university classrooms, it’s referenced on TV, it gets brought up at parties as a “did you know” and everyone nods their heads because yes, they did know.
With all the outrageous information and misinformation floating around out there, sometimes it’s difficult to find the truth in the din. Sometimes it’s obvious, like a Martian invasion. Sometimes it’s more subtle, like a message told by two ordinary guys talking to a bunch of people. We need to focus on what’s true and filter out the noise. And sometimes hearing is believing, and that’s not always a bad thing.
Lord, help us to hear your word when your messengers deliver it, even when it's hidden among the noise. Amen. In the late 1960s, an American radio network broadcast a special Halloween radio drama about a hostile alien invasion. The panic it incited among people who thought the fictional events were actually happening is legendary. It's discussed in university classrooms, it's referenced on TV, it gets brought up at parties as a "did you know" and everyone nods their heads because yes, they did know. — CB