Saturday November 22nd, 2014 Ephesians 1:15-23
...and [God] has made him [Christ] the head over all things for the church, which is his body, the fullness of him who fills all in all. (verses 22b-23)
Reading this passage, I was reminded of a time when I was appointed to be our seminary’s representative at a national conference of Lutheran schools in the United States. I felt very important. I was to represent our school. I wanted to do a good job. I wanted to get it right. It was a proud moment, but I felt a lot of pressure to be a good representative.
Our passage today speaks of our appointment as Christ’s representatives in the world. We are the body of Christ, as a community and as individuals. We have a responsibility to be and the privilege of being the body of Christ in the world. We represent Christ in and to the world. That could mean a lot of pressure for us.
But, as Paul points out, the power and strength that raised Christ from the dead is given to Christ and to his body; the Church, you and me. Because of God’s mercy toward us in Jesus, we are not on our own. We are enabled, empowered, to be the body of Jesus Christ in the world. What a responsibility! What a privilege!
God of power, raise us up to be your representatives of love and compassion in our world. Amen. — BJ
Contributed by Responsibility and Privilege
Reading this passage, I was reminded of a time when I was appointed to be our seminary's representative at a national conference of Lutheran schools in the United States. I felt very important. I was to represent our school. I wanted to do a good job. I wanted to get it right. It was a proud moment, but I felt a lot of pressure to be a good representative.
Our passage today speaks of our appointment as Christ's representatives in the world. We are the body of Christ, as a community and as individuals. We have a responsibility to be and the privilege of being the body of Christ in the world. We represent Christ in and to the world. That could mean a lot of pressure for us.
But, as Paul points out, the power and strength that raised Christ from the dead is given to Christ and to his body; the Church, you and me. Because of God's mercy toward us in Jesus, we are not on our own. We are enabled, empowered, to be the body of Jesus Christ in the world. What a responsibility! What a privilege!