Saturday November 15th, 2014 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11
For you yourselves know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. (verse 2)
While I was growing up in Pennsylvania, my grandmother Albright used to say, “A ring around the moon means rain within 24 hours.” The other evening as we were leaving Bible study, I saw such a moon and shared Grandma’s saying with one of my members. He responded that they have a similar saying in Guyana. Sure enough, the next day it rained. Oh, if all foreknowledge were so simple; look at the night sky and foretell tomorrow’s activities.
The Christians in Thessalonica were concerned about the future. When will Christ come? How do we prepare? What about those who have already died?
Paul reminds them that they do not have to look to the future, or the night sky, for signs. The only thing that matters is the fact that Christ has died for us; there is no need for signs. Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again. Salvation is our hope for the future and our certainty for today. Jesus connects us to those who have gone before, those walking beside us, and those who will follow. We need no other signs.
Saving God, remind us of your love for us so that we do not fear tomorrow. Amen. — VSR
Contributed by Times and Seasons
While I was growing up in Pennsylvania, my grandmother Albright used to say, "A ring around the moon means rain within 24 hours." The other evening as we were leaving Bible study, I saw such a moon and shared Grandma's saying with one of my members. He responded that they have a similar saying in Guyana. Sure enough, the next day it rained. Oh, if all foreknowledge were so simple; look at the night sky and foretell tomorrow's activities.
The Christians in Thessalonica were concerned about the future. When will Christ come? How do we prepare? What about those who have already died?
Paul reminds them that they do not have to look to the future, or the night sky, for signs. The only thing that matters is the fact that Christ has died for us; there is no need for signs. Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again. Salvation is our hope for the future and our certainty for today. Jesus connects us to those who have gone before, those walking beside us, and those who will follow. We need no other signs.