Saturday October 18th, 2014 St. Luke, Evangelist Luke 1:1-4;24:44-53
Then he opened their minds to understand the scriptures. (verse 45)
Most of the time, there is great satisfaction when we finish reading a book. But there are some books that don’t end on a satisfactory note for our liking. We are left wanting more information or feeling unsettled with how it ends. It may be that the author intends to write a sequel so has intentionally left the ending open.
St. Luke was one of those authors. He left his account open-ended so that anyone who reads about the life of Jesus Christ will know there is more to come. The resurrected Christ Jesus ascends to heaven, leaving his disciples with the promise that they will receive power from on high to proclaim the message of repentance and forgiveness of sins to all nations. Luke told the story of Jesus Christ to Theophilus, but every person who reads the story is drawn to it, invited to be one of those who will proclaim the message of Jesus Christ.
There is always more to come when we read and hear the gospel of Jesus Christ. Luke knew that the living word of God would capture our hearts and lives in such a way that the ending of his account will not be written until the end of time. And you and I will play a part in how it ends.
God, we thank you for St. Luke's gospel. Amen. — DB
Contributed by To Be Continued
Most of the time, there is great satisfaction when we finish reading a book. But there are some books that don't end on a satisfactory note for our liking. We are left wanting more information or feeling unsettled with how it ends. It may be that the author intends to write a sequel so has intentionally left the ending open.
St. Luke was one of those authors. He left his account open-ended so that anyone who reads about the life of Jesus Christ will know there is more to come. The resurrected Christ Jesus ascends to heaven, leaving his disciples with the promise that they will receive power from on high to proclaim the message of repentance and forgiveness of sins to all nations. Luke told the story of Jesus Christ to Theophilus, but every person who reads the story is drawn to it, invited to be one of those who will proclaim the message of Jesus Christ.
There is always more to come when we read and hear the gospel of Jesus Christ. Luke knew that the living word of God would capture our hearts and lives in such a way that the ending of his account will not be written until the end of time. And you and I will play a part in how it ends.