Tuesday October 14th, 2014 2 Timothy 4:5-11
As for you, always be sober, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, carry out your ministry fully. (verse 5)
Do we always take the instruction that we hear in the readings each Sunday seriously? Do we remember that we are responsible to take the word of God to our neighbours and friends? Or do we just sit in church then leave without taking the lessons or sermon to heart?
Paul is very clear: we are responsible for passing on the word of God to our friends and neighbours. Paul asks that Timothy come to him and bring Mark along because they are useful to Paul’s ministry. Paul is anxious that all people hear the word of God, like we should be. We are to share the good news of Jesus with all whom we encounter each day. We know that we have received the free gift of salvation from our Lord, and we know that as a result we have life, abundant and eternal. There are, however, many people who have never heard, have ignored, or have just forgotten that they have salvation in Jesus Christ and that their sins are forgiven because of our risen Christ. It is our task to remind them anew.
Gracious and loving God, thank you for Paul. Help us follow his example of spreading God's loving word. Amen. — EEMS
Contributed by Personal Instructions
Do we always take the instruction that we hear in the readings each Sunday seriously? Do we remember that we are responsible to take the word of God to our neighbours and friends? Or do we just sit in church then leave without taking the lessons or sermon to heart?
Paul is very clear: we are responsible for passing on the word of God to our friends and neighbours. Paul asks that Timothy come to him and bring Mark along because they are useful to Paul's ministry. Paul is anxious that all people hear the word of God, like we should be. We are to share the good news of Jesus with all whom we encounter each day. We know that we have received the free gift of salvation from our Lord, and we know that as a result we have life, abundant and eternal. There are, however, many people who have never heard, have ignored, or have just forgotten that they have salvation in Jesus Christ and that their sins are forgiven because of our risen Christ. It is our task to remind them anew.