Sunday October 5th, 2014 17th Sunday after Pentecost Matthew 21:33-46
"The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone." (verse 42b)
Most of us, when picking out a cornerstone, would not choose something so soft as love. Love bends until it is nearly broken. And sometimes it actually is nearly torn.
God’s house isn’t made of unbending rules, but held up by the rule of love. I’m fielding requests for discernment on parenting from our children. My response? Sometimes love withholds a treat, sometimes it provides one. I can even say that love is discipline as it keeps the child from harm. In the end, I affirm, they know best because they are loving parents.
Surprising God, help me to find love as the answer to my question today and not the one that only makes sense to me. Give me the courage to use love's answer in all that I say and do this day. Amen. — EB
Contributed by God’s Love is the Rock that Rocks (Because it Bends)!
Most of us, when picking out a cornerstone, would not choose something so soft as love. Love bends until it is nearly broken. And sometimes it actually is nearly torn.
God's house isn't made of unbending rules, but held up by the rule of love. I'm fielding requests for discernment on parenting from our children. My response? Sometimes love withholds a treat, sometimes it provides one. I can even say that love is discipline as it keeps the child from harm. In the end, I affirm, they know best because they are loving parents.