Thursday September 25th, 2014 Exodus 17:1-7
"Strike the rock, and water will come out of it, so that the people may drink." (verse 6b)
I don’t know that many of us living in a first world country know what it is to be truly thirsty. Clean water is readily available to us. Water from a tap; water from lakes, rivers, spring water, reverse osmosis water, bottled water. Water to drink, water to bathe in, water to swim in. We are very fortunate to have such an abundant supply of water.
Our bodies are approximately 57% water. Water is a necessity of life. Without it we will die. That is a fact.
There is more than one way to thirst, however. We can thirst for water for sure, but we can also thirst for knowledge, and we thirst for God’s love. As God provided for the Israelites wandering in the desert with Moses, so God provides for us. God through Moses satisfied the physical thirst of the Israelites, and God through Jesus Christ satisfies our thirst for acceptance, love and eternal life. Water is poured upon us at our Baptism, when we are brought into God’s family, and we are given the gift of new and everlasting life in Christ. We can share that love with those who are thirsty around us.
God of life, grant that we may share with a world that thirsts, the good news of Jesus Christ. Amen. — GB
Contributed by Thirsty
I don't know that many of us living in a first world country know what it is to be truly thirsty. Clean water is readily available to us. Water from a tap; water from lakes, rivers, spring water, reverse osmosis water, bottled water. Water to drink, water to bathe in, water to swim in. We are very fortunate to have such an abundant supply of water.
Our bodies are approximately 57% water. Water is a necessity of life. Without it we will die. That is a fact.
There is more than one way to thirst, however. We can thirst for water for sure, but we can also thirst for knowledge, and we thirst for God's love. As God provided for the Israelites wandering in the desert with Moses, so God provides for us. God through Moses satisfied the physical thirst of the Israelites, and God through Jesus Christ satisfies our thirst for acceptance, love and eternal life. Water is poured upon us at our Baptism, when we are brought into God's family, and we are given the gift of new and everlasting life in Christ. We can share that love with those who are thirsty around us.