Sunday August 31st, 2014 12th Sunday after Pentecost Matthew 16:21-28
Then Jesus told his disciples, "If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me." (verse 24)
Jesus calls us to take up our cross and follow. Overwhelmed by discipleship, we often turn away. But discipleship is not about us, it’s about God and about denying ourselves.
Disciples are witnesses, speaking what they see and naming evil for what it is. Jesus invites us to be disciples, to take him up on the offer of selfless power. It’s a risky invitiation because it means living in the tension of hearing ourselves make the great confession, “Jesus, you’re the Messiah!” one minute, and hearing Jesus rebuke us with the words, “Get behind me Satan!” the next. Choosing the way of the cross is a real, agonizing process that eventually leaves us no choice. The only decision is to follow.
The way of the cross is the way of faith, of claiming life and truth in the face of everything that tells us not to. As we witness to the truth and follow the path of the cross, we are aware the path of the cross is never lived outside of God’s love. That is the promise in which we live and the promise that keeps us on the path.
Compassionate God, discipleship is never easy. Give us the courage, faith and trust we need to follow you. Amen. — LD
Contributed by Follow Me
Jesus calls us to take up our cross and follow. Overwhelmed by discipleship, we often turn away. But discipleship is not about us, it's about God and about denying ourselves.
Disciples are witnesses, speaking what they see and naming evil for what it is. Jesus invites us to be disciples, to take him up on the offer of selfless power. It's a risky invitiation because it means living in the tension of hearing ourselves make the great confession, "Jesus, you're the Messiah!" one minute, and hearing Jesus rebuke us with the words, "Get behind me Satan!" the next. Choosing the way of the cross is a real, agonizing process that eventually leaves us no choice. The only decision is to follow.
The way of the cross is the way of faith, of claiming life and truth in the face of everything that tells us not to. As we witness to the truth and follow the path of the cross, we are aware the path of the cross is never lived outside of God's love. That is the promise in which we live and the promise that keeps us on the path.