When I think about where my heart is, I think of the cottage near the small Ontario town of Maynooth, a few kilometres west of the Maple Leaf, and time with family. There my heart is in the trees I planted with my dad, the cottage, shed and outhouse I rebuilt with my dad.
I think the cottage is a good thing since it is THE place where my family and I can experience anture and memory and familiy story. But upon closer examiniation, it’s not so much about nature or God necessarily, it’s really just about men, my family, my story.
Now that’s not a bad thing in and of itself. But when pondering the words, “Direct your heart to the Lord and serve him only,” I wonder how this place that has captured my heart, has directed my heart. I am confronted with having to put away the many things that vie for my attention, also known as idolatry, and seek ways of living beyond myself and toward my neighbour , the holy other, and there encounter God.
Gracious God, thank you for the many gifts that come from you. May I live this day to you, serving you through serving my neighbours and loving you by loving my neighvour. And in all things, live in thanksgiving, for all is from you, all is gift. Amen. — MH