A family favourite treasured by all my family is Elsie’s Potatoes. Here you take boiled potatoes, cream cheese, sour cream, butter, salt and spice and mash them together in a pot. The pot has to be strong to be able to take all this mashing.
Our daily lives need a kneading bowl, like the pot for my potatoes. Some of our days seem to be all sixes and sevens. What we planned to do can’t happen, and now we’ve got the day to fill. What we often do is a new thing: we combine one of our shaping tasks with one of our visits planned for another time. We put them together and we shape our day. We mash these activities together until the disappointing day turns out to be a good one after all.
Our Maker takes that which is misshapen in our life and kneads it until it is pleasing to the Maker and us. (Jeremiah 18:4)
God takes what is all sixes and sevens and mashes and kneads them until we are a fine product of that mixing bowl.
Divine Maker, take those things that seem out of place in our lives and continue to knead and blend them, until our lives become blended, seasoned and blessed. Amen. — KC